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Understanding Asbestos Laws and Regulations

Posted on Jul 15, 2024

Asbestos used to be known as a useful fibrous material that was meant to strengthen, insulate, and fireproof materials. Now it is renowned for being extremely toxic and causing a multitude of debilitating diseases. Over the years, there has been a multitude of research conducted on asbestos, and the general conclusion was that it was no longer safe...

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The Importance of Asbestos Removal and Designated Substance Surveys in Oakville

Posted on Jun 12, 2024

Because asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in construction for its heat resistance and strength, it has been in use for a long time across a variety of industries. The dangers from exposure to asbestos have been documented very well, so property owners should never think that asbestos removal and designated substance...

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How to Choose the Right Contractor for Asbestos Removal in Mississauga

Posted on May 31, 2024

Asbestos is a designated substance that poses a serious health risk when disturbed. Mississauga property owners should place importance on safe asbestos removal for the health and safety of occupants and to adhere to the existing regulations. Inch by Inch Inspections is your trusted partner for such a necessary process, offering professional...

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How Spring Storms Trigger Mold & Asbestos

Posted on Apr 10, 2024

Spring brings displays of nature­'s power, yet these storms carry risks we can't overlook. Moisture occurring from spring storms can cause mold growth and compromise indoor air quality. Furthermore­, stormy winds pose a threat of disturbing materials that contain asbestos, rele­asing hazardous fibers into your living spaces....

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Why Asbestos Inspections in Mississauga is Crucial for Older Homes

Posted on Mar 27, 2024

It is common knowledge that asbestos is extremely hazardous. When asbestos is present in the form of very fine particles that are airborne and subsequently inhaled, it poses a health risk. These tiny fibers, which are too small to be visible to the naked eye, can enter the lungs and get trapped there, potentially leading to the development of...

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Why You Should Test for Asbestos if Your Oakville Home Was Built Before 1990

Posted on Mar 17, 2024

While it wasn’t always the case, it's now widely understood that asbestos presents significant dangers. When asbestos exists in the air as minuscule particles and is breathed in, it becomes a health hazard. These microscopic fibres, invisible to the naked eye, can enter the lungs and become lodged, potentially causing various illnesses....

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How to Deal with Asbestos Insulation

Posted on Oct 29, 2023

Once celebrated for its fire resistance and insulation properties, asbestos is now notorious due to its grave health risks. Asbestos is a mineral that was once a staple in construction and insulation materials until the late 20th century, but its cancer-causing qualities have shifted public perception drastically. For property owners dealing with...

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What is White Asbestos?

Posted on Oct 17, 2023

Asbestos is more common than most people realize. A seemingly obsolete mineral, asbestos can be found lurking in many building materials of residential and commercial properties threatening the health and well being of those exposed. Asbestos abatement in Toronto and asbestos inspection have become crucial steps in ensuring the safety of homes and...

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Where Are Designated Substances on Your Property

Posted on Oct 13, 2023

Designated substance surveys in Ontario are an essential prerequisite for construction, renovations, and demolition. The process was created to help identify harmful or potentially hazardous substances prior to beginning work. By conducting a designated substance survey with an experienced service provider like Inch By Inch Inspections, you can...

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Tips for To Avoid Asbestos During Basement Renovations

Posted on Sep 27, 2023

Transforming commercial and residential basements space into functional areas can significantly enhance your property's value and your home's livability. Embarking on a basement renovation project is often exciting, but it's not without challenges. Before you start knocking down walls and tearing up floors, it's crucial to be aware...

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Materials Where Commercial Asbestos Inspections Should Be Focused

Posted on Sep 20, 2023

Asbestos was a once-popular building material known for its fire-resistant and insulating properties. Today, exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to severe health risks, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos abatement in Toronto is an essential process to mitigate these dangers. To ensure safety, asbestos inspections and removal must be...

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The Basics of Asbestos Removal & Disposal in Toronto

Posted on Aug 25, 2023

Once hailed for its incredible fire resistance, durability, and affordability, asbestos found its way into many modern buildings. Used primarily in the mid-to-late 20th century around 1985, the mineral was used in several building materials. Since then, the negative health implications associated with the mineral have become better known, which has...

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Why Worry About Asbestos During Floor Renovations?

Posted on Jul 19, 2023

Floor upgrades are common in industrial, commercial, public, and residential properties. New floss are installed to better equip and interior the environment to its functionality. For example many warehouses and plants use epoxy floors to minimize wear and tear, schools use linoleum floors to facilitate cleaning, and stores or homes use tiles to...

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Where to Look for Asbestos this Summer?

Posted on Jun 21, 2023

While asbestos is often considered a problem of the past, it still has a way of sneaking up on property owners today. The mineral was used far and wide in Canadian construction for a number of years. Its abundance, affordability, and thermal resistance made asbestos a top choice in the manufacturing of key building materials. As residential and...

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How to Approach Spring Renovations Safely

Posted on May 10, 2023

With clear and warm skies finally here, it's the perfect time to start property renovations. However, while you may think you're ready to start new renovations and projects, you may not be. There's a safe way to approach renovations this spring, and it involves conducting a designated substance survey (DSS). A DSS is a report that...

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How to Keep Asbestos Out of Your Air

Posted on Mar 29, 2023

Asbestos is an incredibly harmful contaminant frequently found in residential and commercial properties. When asbestos is friable, it can be easily disrupted, causing the minuscule fibres to contaminate the air and causing adverse health effects. To check if asbestos fibres have polluted the air in your property, contact Inch By Inch Inspections...

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What are the Eleven Designated Substance Survey

Posted on Mar 24, 2023

When it comes to renovations, maintaining the health and safety of the construction crew is essential. Many properties contain hazardous materials, like asbestos. If asbestos abatement isn’t completed before renovations, the risk of exposure and its adverse health effects is high. However, that’s why designated substance surveys are in...

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Why Asbestos is a Designated Substance in Ontario

Posted on Mar 14, 2023

Many commercial and residential properties have lingering harmful substances, such as asbestos, lead, silica, or radon. Many of these substances can become even more dangerous and pose significant health risks with construction and renovations, which is why a designated substance survey is required by Ontario laws and regulations. A DSS report will...

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Do You Have White Asbestos on Your Property?

Posted on Feb 20, 2023

Asbestos was a commonly used building material until the 1980s, when the dangers of asbestos exposure became well-known. The material was widely used in construction, particularly for insulation, and can still be found in many older buildings. The use of asbestos was eventually banned in Canada in 2018, but many buildings constructed around 1985...

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Contaminants You May Find During Renovations

Posted on Feb 10, 2023

Virtually every property owner will consider renovations at some point, whether you’ve just acquired a new commercial space or are planning to move into a new home. Renovations are a significant undertaking mentally and financially, but when completed, they have a high return on investment. To manage the stress and complexities of...

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Will a HEPA Filter Mitigate Asbestos Abatement Needs

Posted on Feb 07, 2023

When it comes to harmful substances, asbestos might be king. Once extensively used in construction, today we know that its tiny particles cause cancer and severely damage the respiratory system. At Inch by Inch Inspections, our teams of asbestos abatement experts help families and businesses with safe and effective asbestos removal to eliminate...

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Do You Need Asbestos Popcorn Ceiling Removal?

Posted on Nov 08, 2022

If you look up at your ceilings and they have a popcorn-like texture to them, you may be at risk of asbestos exposure. While asbestos popcorn ceilings were a popular material during the mid-to-late 20th century, the effects of asbestos were widely unknown. As a result, homes built before 1985 with popcorn ceilings likely contain asbestos, posing a...

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How to Know if There is Asbestos in Your HVAC System

Posted on Oct 20, 2022

Throughout the late 20th century, asbestos was widely used in building materials in properties, mainly due to its heat resistance, strength, and durability. Despite the federal ban on the hazardous mineral in 2018, it’s not unusual to discover asbestos in building materials and around your property in tiles, insulation, and HVAC systems. If...

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Guide to Asbestos & Designated Substance Reports

Posted on Sep 22, 2022

There are more than 25 substances designated as either toxic or hazardous by the Canadian Government, one of which is asbestos. This mineral was popular in construction around the late 20th Century in products such as insulation, flooring adhesives, drywall, cement, and more. A designated substance assessment and report must be provided to protect...

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Will I Get Sick Right After Encountering Asbestos?

Posted on Sep 01, 2022

Many people today are aware that asbestos removal in Toronto is necessary to prevent the harmful health effects of the mineral. Unfortunately, when it comes to asbestos awareness, that's as far as coverage goes. Many property owners are unaware of when they need asbestos air testing and how exposure will affect them. To learn more about...

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Is Asbestos Still a Concern in 2022?

Posted on Aug 16, 2022

Asbestos is a highly toxic mineral used in building materials and construction across Canada, especially within the Greater Toronto Area, before its ban by the Canadian government in 2018. Though it’s not being actively used, asbestos is still a concern among properties built around 1985 as they are more likely to have been made with...

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How to Prepare for Asbestos During Your Bathroom Renovation

Posted on Aug 10, 2022

When renovating your washroom, there are some things you need to consider. To ensure your place is prepared for a bathroom renovation, asbestos testing in Toronto is a great place to start. Do-it-yourself bathroom renovations are a common endeavour for homeowners allowing you to take control of their spend and construction progress. Unfortunately,...

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Is Asbestos Still a Concern in 2022?

Posted on Aug 10, 2022

Asbestos is a highly toxic mineral used in building materials and construction across Canada, especially within the Greater Toronto Area, before its ban by the Canadian government in 2018. Though it’s not being actively used, asbestos is still a concern among properties built around 1985 as they are more likely to have been made with...

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Tips to Avoid Asbestos Exposure at Home

Posted on Aug 03, 2022

When you move into a new place or start to work on your home, either planning renovations or maintenance, you may not know that you need asbestos removal in Toronto, which makes it hard to avoid asbestos exposure. There are a few indications that asbestos could’ve been used in your home during construction, but the best way to be sure about...

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How Can a Flood Trigger Asbestos Exposure in Toronto

Posted on Jul 19, 2022

When your home floods, it can be daunting due to the many associated consequences. Not only does it require cleanup and restoration, but your furniture and personal belongings can be damaged and contaminated during the incident. When there’s a flood on-site, asbestos can be triggered if the mineral is found in construction materials.  ...

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Where Are You Likely to Find Asbestos in Your Oakville Home

Posted on Jul 14, 2022

Asbestos was a popular and widely used building material between the 1960s and 1985 due to its durability, accessibility, affordability and heat resistance. Because of these attractive qualities builders and manufacturers used the mineral widely, now despite ongoing asbestos abatement in Oakville and the GTA, the mineral continues to be uncovered...

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Myths About Asbestos Removal in Toronto

Posted on Jun 13, 2022

Many people believe that asbestos removal in Toronto is expensive because they have heard rumors that a tiny amount of asbestos costs thousands of dollars to remove. If you are concerned about the price, it may help to learn more about asbestos removal and asbestos testing in Toronto. Why Asbestos Is Found in Buildings  ...

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Why You Should Book Asbestos Testing If You Have Popcorn Ceiling

Posted on May 11, 2022

When most people hear of asbestos, they think of shingles, textured walls, and asbestos floor tiles. However, many people forget that the substance was frequently used in popcorn ceilings. This is a shocking revelation since there is so much debate about whether or not popcorn ceilings are actually safe to live with. Well, if you're concerned...

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The Warning Signs That Asbestos is in Your Home

Posted on Apr 06, 2022

If you’re wondering what are the warning signs that asbestos is in your home, you don’t have to look very far. In a recent survey conducted in Toronto and Montreal, Quebec, Canada, a whopping 80% of Canadians have no idea whether or not they’re living with asbestos. The truth is that it can be very difficult to tell if you have...

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How To Avoid The Risk Of Asbestos Exposure In Toronto

Posted on Mar 07, 2022

Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that was once commonly used in building materials. Asbestos fibers can become airborne and cause serious health problems, like lung cancer if disturbed. Suppose you're buying or renovating a home in Toronto. In that case, it's important to be aware of the risk of asbestos exposure and take steps to avoid it....

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Is There Asbestos In Your Cosmetics?

Posted on Feb 04, 2022

Is it possible that there could be asbestos in your cosmetics? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is, there has been and continues to be asbestos in a number of personal products, cosmetics and households in Toronto. This may come as a surprise to many consumers, who may assume that all cosmetics are completely safe for use and have...

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The Harmful Effects of Asbestos Water Pipes in Toronto

Posted on Jan 11, 2022

Asbestos is a natural fiber that is strong and has chemical and fire-resistant features. Having such properties makes it useful in building and manufacturing firms. They are mainly used for sound absorption, insulation, fireproof in vehicles and textiles, and the strengthening of plastics and cement. Products such as pipes, floor tiles, electric...

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Can Asbestos Be Fully Removed from A Building in Toronto

Posted on Dec 21, 2021

Wondering if you can safely get rid of all asbestos in your home once and for all? The short answer is yes. Complete asbestos removal in Toronto is possible when done by an expert contractor. This dangerous material can hide in many different building materials, so adequate safety precautions and proper identification are of utmost importance....

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Why You need Asbestos Removal in Toronto

Posted on Nov 12, 2021

Thinking about how to get rid of asbestos in your home? You are not alone. Before it became widely known that this naturally occurring mineral was hazardous and a severe health threat, it was commonly used in construction to improve the physical properties of various materials. For this reason, many Toronto homeowners have asbestos problems at...

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The Do's & Don’ts of Asbestos Removal for Toronto Homeowners

Posted on Nov 08, 2021

Asbestos is a highly hazardous material, and having it at your property might present a serious health threat. If you doubt this material might be present in your Toronto home, asbestos testing is the best way to find out. Testing is especially advised to homeowners with older homes, as many buildings constructed before the 1990s include this...

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Asbestos Removal in Ductwork in Toronto

Posted on Oct 18, 2021

Due to its favourable physical qualities, asbestos was widely used in construction during most of the 20th century. Before its adverse effects on health became widely known, this naturally occurring mineral had multiple purposes. It was often mixed with other materials (e.g., cement) to improve their fire- and heat-resistant qualities. You might be...

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Why You Need to Remove Asbestos from Your Toronto Home

Posted on Oct 11, 2021

Not all asbestos-containing materials are dangerous, but ones that are can create serious health problems. It is therefore essential to know if materials in your home contain asbestos and if they do, how to remove them in the safest way possible. The only certain way to find out if your Toronto home has asbestos is to get asbestos testing. Asbestos...

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What Factors to Consider When Choosing an Asbestos Removal Company in Toronto

Posted on Oct 08, 2021

Opting to hire an asbestos abatement specialist instead of conducting asbestos testing yourself is the wisest and safest decision to identify if there are any traces of this hazardous material in your home. Asbestos exposure is known to cause very severe lung diseases, so there is not a thing called too much caution when handling potential...

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Asbestos Removal From Floor Tiles In Toronto

Posted on Sep 28, 2021

Older homes in the Toronto area are likely to contain vinyl or sheet vinyl flooring. This type of flooring, widely popularized in the 1900s, was often manufactured with asbestos materials. We all know today that exposure to asbestos can cause cancer and other serious lung diseases. Still, most Toronto homeowners are not aware of all the places this...

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Why You Need an Asbestos Inspection in Your Home or Business

Posted on Sep 21, 2021

If you’re not a DIY enthusiast, it’s likely that you don’t know much about the materials that go into the structure of your property — you simply trust that they are safe. But there’s a hidden danger lurking inside many older homes: asbestos. Asbestos testing in Burlington looks for the visual and airborne presence of...

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Products You Can Find In Burlington That Still Contain Asbestos

Posted on Aug 13, 2021

The government has officially banned the use of asbestos in construction and building-related products. However, this potentially harmful and toxic substance is still present in some products. There are still numerous everyday products that might shock you by containing asbestos. So, if you are worried about asbestos presence in your house, read...

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Do All Older Homes In Oakville With Popcorn Ceiling Contain Asbestos?

Posted on Aug 09, 2021

Popcorn ceilings (also called “cottage cheese,” “acoustic,” or “stucco” ceilings) were quite famous from the early 1950s to the 1985. Homeowners and builders opted for these ceilings due to the bumpy, spray-on texture, as it offered quick and easy application. Plus, it helped builders disguise ceiling...

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The Places Asbestos Might Be Hiding in Your Toronto Home

Posted on Jul 26, 2021

Many homeowners are shocked when they find out that asbestos is present in their homes. However, when we consider the age of the housing stock in Toronto, it is not a surprise that many houses require a visit from an asbestos removal specialist before renovations. Disturbing the asbestos-containing materials will release dangerous microfibrils,...

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Ensuring Proper Asbestos Removal In Toronto

Posted on Jul 02, 2021

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that, before its ban in 2018, was widely used as a building material because of its strength and heat- and chemical-resistant qualities. Now we are aware that asbestos is a hazardous material, but its presence is still common in our homes. Once damaged, asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) release...

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The 3 Types of Asbestos Removal

Posted on Jun 08, 2021

Finding asbestos in your home is always bad news. No matter what type of asbestos is present, abatement is always necessary. All types release dangerous microfibrils, and inhaling them can cause long-term lung damage. That is why you should always call an asbestos abatement company to remove any traces of this hazardous material. Considering that...

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How Asbestos Removal In Toronto Works

Posted on May 04, 2021

Asbestos is a highly hazardous material, not long ago used in construction for various materials – roofing, house siding, insulation, popcorn ceilings, floor tiles and similar. As it was banned only a few decades ago, quite a few homes in Toronto contain this dangerous material. If you live in Toronto, getting asbestos testing done by a...

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Asbestos FAQ

Posted on Apr 23, 2021

When testing your home for any dangerous products or materials, Asbestos is a name that comes up in every discussion and for a good reason. Asbestos was heavily used in the building and home industry before the 1990s for insulation, walls, plumbing, and more. When components with Asbestos are damaged, they can release asbestos fibers which can...

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Guide To Hiring An Asbestos Removal Company in Mississauga

Posted on Apr 16, 2021

Asbestos testing and abatement are one of the most important steps you can take to protect your home and increase its value. Homes built before 1990 across the GTA likely have asbestos in the building, either in the insulation, plumbing, walls, or other areas. If you're looking to do a home renovation or planning on selling, it's essential...

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What To Expect From Asbestos Testing & Abatement

Posted on Apr 13, 2021

Asbestos used to be a common building component material that was used as insulation in homes before 1990. Many older buildings across the GTA have asbestos inside their walls, attics, plumbing and other areas. Asbestos is considered a health hazard, and inhaling asbestos particles can lead to respiratory issues, disease and even cancer. If you...

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How Long is the Asbestos Abatement Process In Burlington

Posted on Mar 29, 2021

Discovering asbestos contamination in the home is always bad news. This harmful material has very serious long-term effects on health, so it is in your best interest to get rid of it as soon as possible. Considering the high risk of exposure and other dangers of DIY removal, it is best to contact a professional asbestos removal company in...

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All You Need to Know About Hiring an Asbestos Abatement Company in Toronto

Posted on Mar 26, 2021

Once widely used in construction due to its favourable physical qualities, asbestos is now viewed as a harmful pollutant. Its use in construction was banned in the 1980s, but many homes built before the ban still stand today, presenting a potential danger to all inhabitants’ health. For this reason, it is highly advised that all homeowners of...

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Choosing the Best Asbestos Removal Company in Burlington

Posted on Mar 22, 2021

A naturally-occurring, fibrous silicate mineral, asbestos was widely used in construction during the previous century. It became prevalent due to its favourable physical qualities and cheapness, and its versatility only contributed further. Asbestos was often mixed with concrete and other materials (roofing, insulation, flooring) to improve their...

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How to find the best Asbestos Testing Company in Toronto

Posted on Mar 10, 2021

When it comes to your home, you always want the best materials, inspections, and contractors used because it's where you live and where you spend most of your time. The expectation for quality should also be applied to asbestos testing your home. Your health should always be a priority, and it’s essential to get a quality asbestos test...

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A Burlington Homeowners Guide to Asbestos Testing

Posted on Feb 16, 2021

Burlington is becoming an increasingly popular home for those choosing to live near Toronto. If you’re one of them, congratulations on becoming a new homeowner in Burlington! As with any other large purchase, buying a home can be a complicated process, and completing a home inspection is one of the best ways to ensure that your new home...

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Can I Test for Asbestos Myself?

Posted on Feb 03, 2021

Asbestos is a highly hazardous material you don’t want to find in your home. Before its negative health effects were discovered, this material was widely used in construction due to its favourable insulating and fire-resisting qualities. Many Burlington homes were built before the ban in the late ‘80s, so if you live in an older...

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What Does Asbestos Testing Look Like?

Posted on Jan 27, 2021

Once considered an advantageous building material, asbestos is now listed as one of the most harmful indoor air pollutants. Only a few decades ago, it was discovered that this naturally-occurring mineral is very harmful to human health and that it causes severe diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer. Although its use in construction ceased upon...

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Places in the Home to Test for Asbestos

Posted on Jan 19, 2021

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral used widely hen developing the city of Oakville. Asbestos was commonly mixed with concrete to improve its resistance to fire and electrical conductivity without increasing its weight. However, its use in construction ceased when it was discovered that inhaling its microfibers causes very serious...

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How Do I Know If There Is Asbestos in My Home?

Posted on Dec 24, 2020

Due to its favourable insulating and fire-retardant qualities, asbestos was widely used in construction, as well as for making products like fire proximity suits. When it was discovered that exposure to its microfibers causes very serious diseases, its use was widely banned. However, there are still many homes in Oakville that were constructed...

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Professional Asbestos Removal in Burlington

Posted on Dec 18, 2020

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring silicate mineral that consists of long, thin, thread-like crystals, usually white or gray in colour. Each crystal is further composed of numerous microscopic fibrils. This mineral was widely used in construction in the previous century due to its favourable insulating and fire-resistant qualities. However, when...

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