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How Do You Treat Mold Sickness?

Posted on Jan 13, 2021

When we first hear the word “mold”, most of us first think of spoiled food, musty smells and unsightly stains on walls. However, molds can also be present in seemingly clean environments. They can hide in building materials, hard-to-reach spots, nooks, and crannies, which makes their detection by simple visual inspection very...

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How to Know if Mold is Making You Sick

Posted on Jan 08, 2021

Molds can be found everywhere. No surprise, considering a single colony can produce millions of tiny, light spores, easily spread by wind and water. Wherever there are favourable conditions for their growth – the presence of organic matter, moisture, and temperature between 77°F and 86°F – molds will grow and reproduce very...

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How Does Mold Affect Air Quality?

Posted on Jan 04, 2021

Mold is a term that encompasses various species of microscopic fungi that form multicellular thread-like growths (hyphae) and reproduce via spores. This diverse group of tiny fungal organisms plays a very important role in nature, as it decomposes organic matter and enables nutrient cycling. However, even though they are one of the cornerstones of...

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Reasons to Avoid DIY Mold Removal

Posted on Dec 31, 2020

Besides causing unsightly stains on walls and unpleasant odours, molds are also a serious hazard to both human health and the structural integrity of the building. These microscopic fungi develop in humid conditions on various materials that contain organic matter. Once they establish, molds reproduce quickly and vigorously, producing millions of...

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Areas in the Home That Might Require Mold Removal

Posted on Dec 27, 2020

Are you experiencing some of the following symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, dry cough, wheezing, skin rashes, watery eyes, chronic sinusitis? If the answer is yes, then you might have a mold problem in your home. Even if you don’t see any visible indicators of their presence, it doesn’t mean the molds are not there. They are very...

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How Do I Know If There Is Asbestos in My Home?

Posted on Dec 24, 2020

Due to its favourable insulating and fire-retardant qualities, asbestos was widely used in construction, as well as for making products like fire proximity suits. When it was discovered that exposure to its microfibers causes very serious diseases, its use was widely banned. However, there are still many homes in Oakville that were constructed...

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Identifying and Getting Rid of Black Mold

Posted on Dec 21, 2020

Many homes encounter mold issues at some point - from white, grayish or greenish patches on food to black spotting on water-damaged building materials. Mold spores are found in every corner of the world, so it is very hard to avoid them. They are easily moved by air currents, and once they settle at a place with enough moisture, warmth and organic...

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Professional Asbestos Removal in Burlington

Posted on Dec 18, 2020

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring silicate mineral that consists of long, thin, thread-like crystals, usually white or gray in colour. Each crystal is further composed of numerous microscopic fibrils. This mineral was widely used in construction in the previous century due to its favourable insulating and fire-resistant qualities. However, when...

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Improving Air Quality This Winter

Posted on Dec 14, 2020

Having good air quality at home is an essential component of a healthy life. With changes in seasons and temperatures outside and inside our homes, it can be difficult for us to maintain high air quality throughout the entire year. Summer and winter are the most critical seasons, as we tend to close all windows and amp up the AC....

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Controlling Window Condensation to Eliminate Mold Growth

Posted on Dec 12, 2020

When the first cold days of late fall start to draw in, we amp up the heating and close all windows. The steep drop of temperature is not uncommon for a December in Mississauga, so every bit of precious warmth is best kept inside. With more time indoors, air quality testing can become one of the more important factors to consider. If the windows...

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