Our Blog

Do You Need Asbestos Popcorn Ceiling Removal?

Posted on Nov 08, 2022

If you look up at your ceilings and they have a popcorn-like texture to them, you may be at risk of asbestos exposure. While asbestos popcorn ceilings were a popular material during the mid-to-late 20th century, the effects of asbestos were widely unknown. As a result, homes built before 1985 with popcorn ceilings likely contain asbestos, posing a...

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Should Business Operators Be Concerned with Radon Testing?

Posted on Oct 31, 2022

When it comes to your commercial properties, keeping your tenants safe isn’t just an add-on — it’s a requirement. That’s why Inch by Inch offers commercial property inspections in the GTA. These inspections help protect you, your team, and your clients from any environmental contaminants and help prevent long-term property...

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Reasons to Stay Away From Mold Removal Spray in Mississauga

Posted on Oct 27, 2022

Home inspections may reveal that you need mold removal in Mississauga. The sudden knowledge of a hazardous infestation in your living quarters might push you to take matters into your own hands and attempt DIY mold removal. While heading to the store and purchasing mold removal spray may be tempting, it's not practical or safe. Get started with...

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How to Know if There is Asbestos in Your HVAC System

Posted on Oct 20, 2022

Throughout the late 20th century, asbestos was widely used in building materials in properties, mainly due to its heat resistance, strength, and durability. Despite the federal ban on the hazardous mineral in 2018, it’s not unusual to discover asbestos in building materials and around your property in tiles, insulation, and HVAC systems. If...

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How Air Flow Affects Attic Mold

Posted on Oct 13, 2022

When you find yourself in need of attic mold removal in Toronto, you can work backward to the cause of an infestation and realize that multiple factors contributed. These factors often include excessive humidity, unrestored water damage, and, most importantly, insufficient airflow and ventilation. The best way to detect mold in the attic is to be...

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The Most Common Types of Mold in Homes

Posted on Sep 29, 2022

Many homes provide attractive conditions for mold spores to rapidly multiply, making indoor mold removal in Burlington a necessity among homeowners. Conditions that may make your home vulnerable to mold infestations include improper ventilation, no natural light, and excessive moisture. If you notice that the air in your home is humid and stale,...

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Guide to Asbestos & Designated Substance Reports

Posted on Sep 22, 2022

There are more than 25 substances designated as either toxic or hazardous by the Canadian Government, one of which is asbestos. This mineral was popular in construction around the late 20th Century in products such as insulation, flooring adhesives, drywall, cement, and more. A designated substance assessment and report must be provided to protect...

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Does Your Home Need Good Air Quality?

Posted on Sep 13, 2022

For many homeowners, the state of their indoor air quality is challenging to track and manage. Indoor air pollution typically worsens slowly over time, making it difficult to notice or see in your daily life without official air quality testing. Just because it isn't obvious doesn't mean poor indoor air quality does not significantly affect...

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How to Know If Attic Mold is Affecting Your Air Quality

Posted on Sep 06, 2022

Attic mold is troubling for a number of reasons, but the most frustrating is how difficult it is to detect in its early stages. It typically isn’t until property owners schedule a mold inspection in Toronto that they even are away mold has been growing and spreading throughout their home. During the time that attic mold is left undetected, it...

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Will I Get Sick Right After Encountering Asbestos?

Posted on Sep 01, 2022

Many people today are aware that asbestos removal in Toronto is necessary to prevent the harmful health effects of the mineral. Unfortunately, when it comes to asbestos awareness, that's as far as coverage goes. Many property owners are unaware of when they need asbestos air testing and how exposure will affect them. To learn more about...

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