Our Blog

Why Thunderstorms Put You at Risk for Exposures

Posted on May 23, 2023

While thunderstorms are expected in spring and summer, however, what is unexpected is exposure to dangerous contaminants. Air pressure changes, leaks, flooding, and even property damage from severe thunderstorms may expose us to harmful substances lingering in and around our homes. For instance, if there’s property damage from a thunderstorm,...

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Household Odours That Are a Sign for Concern

Posted on May 22, 2023

Our homes are full of smells, odours, and aromas. Sometimes, it's a smell trickling in from next door or a new cologne that someone is wearing. Other times, these odours aren't as pleasant and may be cause for concern. For instance, if you notice a peculiar smell that resembles rotten eggs, you may be at risk of a gas leak. Or, if...

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The Role of Air Purifiers in Mold Removal

Posted on May 16, 2023

When mold infests our property, we often try to think of different ways we can try to remove it on our own. This may include vinegar-water solutions, bleach, or for some, an air purifier. However, these approaches aren’t always effective or practical, especially an air purifier. If you spot mold in your home, don’t try and eliminate it...

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How to Approach Spring Renovations Safely

Posted on May 10, 2023

With clear and warm skies finally here, it's the perfect time to start property renovations. However, while you may think you're ready to start new renovations and projects, you may not be. There's a safe way to approach renovations this spring, and it involves conducting a designated substance survey (DSS). A DSS is a report that...

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Say Goodbye to Smoke Odours with Ozone Shock Treatments

Posted on Apr 30, 2023

Despite your best efforts, smoke odours can be persistent and difficult to remove. Air fresheners, constant cleaning, and disinfecting solutions don’t always provide long-term, effective solutions. However, there is a solution that can effectively eliminate smoke odours: ozone shock treatments. Ozone shock treatments for the house use ozone...

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When Are Odours a Sign of Something More Sinister?

Posted on Apr 28, 2023

Have you ever walked into a property or a room and immediately noticed a strange odour? Maybe it smelled musty, or almost like something was burning. While odours can be unpleasant, they’re not always cause for concern. However, there are certain situations when odours could signify something more sinister lurking beneath the surface. To...

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Tips for Combatting the Stench of Mold Infestations

Posted on Apr 25, 2023

Dealing with mold infestations in your home is often a frustrating and overwhelming experience. Not only can mold cause damage to your property, but it also has the potential to cause serious health problems for you and your family. One of the most common issues stemming from mold growth is the unpleasant odour permeating your space. If...

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Guide to Asbestos-Free Air

Posted on Apr 24, 2023

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral once widely used in construction materials due to its durability and heat-resistant properties. However, it's now known to be a significant health hazard, with prolonged exposure causing a range of respiratory diseases, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. Despite it being federally banned in 2018,...

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How to Respond to Volatile Organic Compounds Effectively

Posted on Apr 18, 2023

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals commonly found in many products, such as cleaning supplies, furniture, and even cosmetics, which are cast into the air. They are often detected via air quality testing. Volatile organic compounds can come in many forms, but in most cases, property owners or occupants don't realize there's a...

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Guide to Office Mold Detection

Posted on Apr 13, 2023

Despite mold being a common problem in offices, affecting the health of employees and even frequently visiting customers, professional mold inspection in Toronto does not occur as frequently as it should, leaving it to grow undetected and uninhibited. Commercial air quality testing and mold remediation services from industry leading restoration...

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