Our Blog

Do You Have White Asbestos on Your Property?

Posted on Feb 20, 2023

Asbestos was a commonly used building material until the 1980s, when the dangers of asbestos exposure became well-known. The material was widely used in construction, particularly for insulation, and can still be found in many older buildings. The use of asbestos was eventually banned in Canada in 2018, but many buildings constructed around 1985...

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Indoor Pollutants to Keep Out with DSS Reports

Posted on Feb 16, 2023

Indoor air contamination is one of the biggest problems when renovating old buildings and properties. So before the sledgehammer comes out, it’s critical to have mold removal in Oakville to increase the safety and longevity of any work you do. Our team is committed to helping people with safe renovations and restorations by providing...

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Contaminants You May Find During Renovations

Posted on Feb 10, 2023

Virtually every property owner will consider renovations at some point, whether you’ve just acquired a new commercial space or are planning to move into a new home. Renovations are a significant undertaking mentally and financially, but when completed, they have a high return on investment. To manage the stress and complexities of...

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Will a HEPA Filter Mitigate Asbestos Abatement Needs

Posted on Feb 07, 2023

When it comes to harmful substances, asbestos might be king. Once extensively used in construction, today we know that its tiny particles cause cancer and severely damage the respiratory system. At Inch by Inch Inspections, our teams of asbestos abatement experts help families and businesses with safe and effective asbestos removal to eliminate...

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Steps to Successful Black Mold Removal

Posted on Jan 30, 2023

Black mold is an infamous invader known for its toxic effects on people and the damage it causes to the building materials on which it latches. While not all instances of black mold are the notorious toxic mold, Stachybotrys, all infestations demand black mold removal. From mold inspections in Toronto to remediation, effective mold removal is a...

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How Air Quality Testing Facilitates Mold Inspections & Removal

Posted on Jan 29, 2023

Air quality testing in Toronto is a critical step in mold inspections that allow professionals to effectively detect inspections or heightened mold levels. When suspicions of a mold infestation within your residential or commercial property arise, mold inspections in Toronto are conducted to confirm the presence of mold and identify its location....

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How DSS Reports Reduce Liabilities

Posted on Jan 27, 2023

When conducting a renovation or construction project, you want to ensure that the work environment is safe and free of all dangerous substances. To avoid any unnecessary risks, a Designated Substance Survey Report is required. A DSS Report ensures that all construction projects are completed without risk of exposure to hazardous substances and...

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Guide to Bathroom Black Mold Removal

Posted on Jan 26, 2023

Bathrooms are no stranger to mold; they are quite often the subject of infestations due to high moisture and low ventilation. Black mold removal for bathrooms and showers may be particularly challenging for property owners in Toronto and pose significant health risks. With reliable mold inspections in Toronto from Inch By Inch Inspections, property...

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Why Is Air Quality Testing Important?

Posted on Jan 23, 2023

Despite our best intentions, the air inside our properties may become polluted by various contaminants. Sometimes, a mistake can easily trigger the release of volatile organic compounds, such as asbestos, or problems with the infrastructure can leak chemical toxins, like carbon monoxide or smoke. To ensure your indoor air is safe and healthy,...

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How to Know if I Have Mold in My Mississauga Home

Posted on Jan 17, 2023

Sometimes when mold appears on your property, it's unmistakable, drawing the attention of homeowners and prompting them to schedule mold removal in Mississauga and eliminate the intruder. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, mold can be harder to pinpoint, growing and expanding under the radar until being picked up during air quality testing....

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