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Mold and The Winter Time

Posted on Dec 08, 2020

Although you might think that molds go to sleep during the winter, like most of the natural world during this season, they are actually more likely to invade your home at this time. Why? Well, due to large differences in outdoor and indoor temperature, condensation is a very common occurrence. All this moisture creates favourable conditions for...

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Reasons You Need Air Quality Testing for Mold

Posted on Dec 04, 2020

Molds inhabit almost every terrestrial environment on Earth. That is a very good thing, as these microscopic fungi play a key role in the decomposition of organic matter. However, even though they are a key component of every natural environment, it is not so favourable when you find them in your home. Aside from plaguing the home with musty smells...

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Removing Mold in Burlington

Posted on Nov 23, 2020

Having mold in your home is not just an unpleasant nuisance – it is also a constant source of air pollution in an environment where you spend a significant portion of the day. Besides plaguing the area with their musty smells and causing unsightly stains on walls, molds also cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Long term exposure...

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Everything You Need to Know About Mold in Oakville

Posted on Nov 16, 2020

Mold is a term that refers to different types of microscopic fungi that produce filamentous structures called hyphae and typically feed on organic matter. While many molds are famous for spoiling food, some types are famous for spoiling living environments by growing on various building materials. Aside from causing unpleasant odours and unsightly...

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Ways to Prevent Mold in The Basement

Posted on Nov 09, 2020

The idea of a basement is usually associated with a dusty, damp, dark place, full of stuffy air. High humidity levels, poor air circulation and darkness – aside from being unpleasant and a bit creepy, these conditions are perfect for the development of molds. It is not a surprise that these microscopic fungi are common residents of many...

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How to Safely Deal with Asbestos in The Winter Time

Posted on Nov 06, 2020

Although asbestos is an excellent insulator, widely used in construction due to its lightness and low cost, it is also a very dangerous material that can cause a variety of serious health issues. Asbestos is composed of tiny microfibrils that can become airborne due to damage and abrasion. If the microfibrils get inhaled, they permanently stay in...

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How to Identify Asbestos Materials?

Posted on Nov 02, 2020

Asbestos is a common, naturally occurring mineral composed of thin, thread-like crystals. Each crystal is made of microscopic fibrils that can become airborne if subjected to abrasion and damaging. The Ancient Greek word “asbestos” (ἄσβεστος) translates to “inextinguishable”,...

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What Happens If I Have Poor Air Quality?

Posted on Oct 19, 2020

Poor air quality has been recognized as a global health issue which affects nine out of ten people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Most of the pollution comes from industrial activities and fossil fuel combustion, creating a thick layer of smog over cities and industry-intensive areas. However, many overlook the importance of...

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How To Prevent a Mold Infestation in The Home

Posted on Oct 12, 2020

Molds can be found everywhere. These fungi have a very high reproductive potential and can produce millions of tiny spores. The spores are so light they can be carried even by slightest air currents and spread widely. Once they find a favourable spot, they will start to germinate and colonize the area. Moisture is the most important factor for mold...

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When Should I Worry About Asbestos?

Posted on Oct 06, 2020

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring silicate mineral, composed of long, fibrous crystals. Each fiber is made up of extremely small fibrils that are prone to becoming airborne because of damage or abrasion. There are six types of asbestos which differ in their colour, structure and amount of contaminants. Because of its favourable insulating...

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