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Is Mold in My Home Making Me Sick?

Posted on Oct 02, 2020

Are you experiencing prolonged symptoms of allergies, when there is seemingly nothing that might trigger them? Do you have regular migraines or feel constantly drowsy? If the answer to these questions is yes, then your home or workplace might be infested with mold and professional mold removal in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton & beyond may be...

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Everything You Need to Know About Mold Removal in Oakville

Posted on Sep 21, 2020

A mold outbreak, whether in the attic or basement, can be a challenge in any home. It can be a stressful process from inspection, to removal, to remediation. For homeowners who may require mold removal in Oakville, working with a mold professional is the best practical approach. Mold can actually grow in a newly built home quite the same as an...

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What To Expect From A Mold Inspection

Posted on Sep 14, 2020

Even though discovering mold in your home can be quite an unpleasant experience, keep in mind that it is actually a common problem in both residential and business buildings. The key is to identify it on time and to know how to properly remove it. The best way to find out the scale of your mold problem is to arrange a mold inspection. Homeowners...

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Signs You Might Need A Home Air Quality Test

Posted on Sep 10, 2020

Poor air quality affects 91% of the world population according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While it is true most of the air pollution comes from industrial activities and fossil fuel combustion, we also have to take into account indoor air quality and air pollutants that are present in residential and commercial buildings. Indoor and...

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Everything You Need to Know About Black Mold

Posted on Sep 07, 2020

Black mold, is a species of fungi that is often found on cellulose-rich building materials that have been damaged by excessive humidity or flooding. This mold is rarely found in natural environments due to its inability to successfully compete with other species of fungi. Black mold has a number of strains and some of them are able to produce...

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3 Reasons to Test Your Home for Asbestos

Posted on Sep 04, 2020

Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral that is composed of thread-like crystals. Each crystal fiber consists of tiny, microscopic fibrils that can become airborne due to abrasion or damage. Asbestos was a widely used material in construction for the most of 20th century until it was confirmed that its fibrils cause serious respiratory...

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5 Things to Look for When Moving into a New Home

Posted on Aug 17, 2020

Moving into a new home is always exciting, as it brings refreshing change and interesting new experiences. However, this process can be also quite stressful and time-consuming. Packing up, hiring a moving company, and then unpacking and settling – there is a lot to do and this is just the very end of the process. Before that final moment, you...

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Summer Heat and Mold

Posted on Aug 12, 2020

Mold are fungal organisms that play a very important role in natural ecosystems as organic matter decomposers, but they also cause a variety of health issues when present in indoor environments. They are most active from early spring to fall, but their occurrence in indoor environments is most likely during winter and humid summer days. A...

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Can Asbestos Affect Your Health?

Posted on Aug 09, 2020

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, made of long, thin, thread-like crystals. Each thread is composed of numerous microscopic fibers that can get released into the air by abrasion or other types of physical damage. Asbestos was widely used as a building material for the most of 20th century. It was often mixed with concrete due to its very...

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Summer Allergies and Indoor Air Quality

Posted on Aug 04, 2020

Late spring and summer are the worst parts of the year for many people who suffer from allergies due to high levels of air pollutants. In order to avoid them, many people with allergies prefer to stay at home during the warm months. However, this might not be the best solution if the air quality of their home isn’t great. Weather conditions...

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