How Much Will It Cost to Remove Black Mold

Toronto and the wider GTA have a growing number of neighbourhoods with older homes, and one of the most significant risk factors associated with it for homeowners is mold. Mold can quickly develop in humid areas with poor ventilation and can quickly spread throughout the house. Although all types of mold are harmful for your house’s components (including drywall, bathrooms, flooring, etc.), black mold especially can be hazardous for your health. Black mold removal should be a top priority for any homeowner. Protect your people and property by ensuring you have a professional inspection completed. If you suspect any signs of mold, contact InchbyInch Inspections for mold removal services in Toronto, and we can assist you in protecting your family. 

Black Mold Areas Of Concern

Black mold, also known as toxic mold, typically grows in humid locations throughout the house, such as the basement, vents, and closets. Mold spores can quickly travel throughout the house and spread. It is imperative that a professional remove mold in your home to ensure that it is completely removed. Otherwise, it will likely continue to spread. To help you better understand the process of mold removal, we’ve provided some info on the costs to remove black mold. 


Flooring can be a prime real estate for mold, as the area underneath flooring receives virtually no poor air circulation. Unfortunately, removing mold underneath flooring can also be quite tricky, as one can imagine. Removing flooring is no easy task, and there is a strong chance that you can damage the baseboards or carpeting during the process. A professional should always be hired to help ensure damage isn’t caused and that the mold is disposed of completely. The cost to remove mold from underneath flooring depends on various factors but typically costs between $10 - $25 per square foot. 


Bathrooms can also be a typical spot for mold growth due to their damp and closed-off environment. Mold can typically grow on the tiles, walls and behind the vanity, sink, or tub. The process to remove mold from the bathroom includes sealing off the room and removing the vanities and tiles to access the mold. Similar to flooring, it is always best to have a professional complete this work to decrease the likelihood of damage to your bathroom. The cost to remove black mold from your bathroom depends on the size of the room and spread of the mold, but typically costs between $500 - $2000 per bathroom. 

The Walls

Another prime location for mold growth is behind the walls of your home. Mold growth can easily damage your drywall’s integrity and shape, causing it to dampen and brittle. Additionally, black mold in the drywall can quickly spread across the home and can be extremely dangerous to handle if you're trying to remove the drywall yourself. Always ensure the use of a professional to protect yourself and your family. The cost to remove mold from behind the drywall typically costs $10 - $20 per square foot. 

Black mold can be very toxic for your health, and attempting to remove the mold yourself can be a dangerous and costly endeavour. Even by letting a single spore remain, mold can quickly spread across your home. Contact InchbyInch Inspections to ensure that you keep your family and home safe from black mold. 


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