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How to Prepare for Mold Removal When Moving?

Posted on Aug 30, 2022

Getting ready to move into a new home gets hectic very quickly, most homeowners find themselves working through an ever-growing to-do list of important tasks that need to be completed before move-in day. Unfortunately, a crucial task that can easily get forgotten is air quality testing in Mississauga. But it is essential for detecting contaminants...

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What Landlords Should Do About Mold Removal in Toronto

Posted on Aug 22, 2022

For landlords, mold removal in Toronto can be a nightmare come true. Often tenants do not know what signs to look for, and the mold can seemingly come from out of nowhere – especially when it comes to units you don't spend a lot of time in. However, once you've received that first communication from your tenants that they believe...

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How to Prepare for Asbestos During Your Bathroom Renovation

Posted on Aug 10, 2022

When renovating your washroom, there are some things you need to consider. To ensure your place is prepared for a bathroom renovation, asbestos testing in Toronto is a great place to start. Do-it-yourself bathroom renovations are a common endeavour for homeowners allowing you to take control of their spend and construction progress. Unfortunately,...

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Is Asbestos Still a Concern in 2022?

Posted on Aug 10, 2022

Asbestos is a highly toxic mineral used in building materials and construction across Canada, especially within the Greater Toronto Area, before its ban by the Canadian government in 2018. Though it’s not being actively used, asbestos is still a concern among properties built around 1985 as they are more likely to have been made with...

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5 Types of Toxic Mold to Test For

Posted on Aug 08, 2022

There are hundreds of species of mold in our environment, and, with the right conditions, many of them end up infiltrating our properties. While all mold outbreaks should be dealt with, some species are harmful enough to require urgent mold remediation in Toronto. Although it is hard to know which species are toxic without mold testing in Toronto,...

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Most Common Causes of Attic Mold

Posted on Jul 26, 2022

Attics are a key player in our homes; they're excellent places for storage, seasonal decorations, insulation, but unfortunately they are also havens for mold infestations. Mold requires certain conditions to develop, like high humidity and low ventilation. If you believe your home is humid and stuffy, chances are your attic is too, and you may...

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How Can a Flood Trigger Asbestos Exposure in Toronto

Posted on Jul 19, 2022

When your home floods, it can be daunting due to the many associated consequences. Not only does it require cleanup and restoration, but your furniture and personal belongings can be damaged and contaminated during the incident. When there’s a flood on-site, asbestos can be triggered if the mineral is found in construction materials.  ...

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Where Are You Likely to Find Asbestos in Your Oakville Home

Posted on Jul 14, 2022

Asbestos was a popular and widely used building material between the 1960s and 1985 due to its durability, accessibility, affordability and heat resistance. Because of these attractive qualities builders and manufacturers used the mineral widely, now despite ongoing asbestos abatement in Oakville and the GTA, the mineral continues to be uncovered...

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How to Know if Black Mold is Actually Toxic?

Posted on Jul 12, 2022

Black mold has been branded in the media as a dangerous intruder in our homes that require immediate mold remediation in Toronto. While all mold is dangerous to our health and the structural integrity of our homes, not every species of black mold is toxic. To determine if the mold in your property is toxic, mold testing in Toronto from Inch By Inch...

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How to Know If Your Home Has a Carbon Monoxide Leak

Posted on Jul 07, 2022

Most homeowners understand that carbon monoxide is a hazardous gas that can infiltrate their homes. Unfortunately, because carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless, it is difficult to detect and respond to quickly and efficiently, leaving occupants unsure of when they’re at risk. If you’re concerned about carbon monoxide, a home air...

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