The Environmental Impact of Improper Asbestos Disposal

Asbestos used to be known for its durability and heat-resistant properties, making it a common material in construction and manufacturing for decades. However, its hazardous nature has also made it a highly regulated material when it comes to handling and disposal post asbestos removal in Toronto. Improper asbestos disposal poses serious risks not only to human health but also to the environment. Understanding the impact of improper asbestos disposal and implementing safe practices is crucial for minimizing these risks. If you ever struggle with asbestos in your home, do not disturb it. Instead, call Inch by Inch Inspections for a designated substance survey. Contact us today for safe asbestos removal and disposal. 

How Improper Asbestos Disposal Occurs

asbestos removal torontoImproper asbestos disposal typically occurs when an inexperienced individual or team attempts asbestos removal and is unaware of the regulations and procedures required to facilitate safe disposal. The Ontario Government actually has specific asbestos disposal guidelines that must be followed in order to ensure public health and safety.

This Environmental Protection Act states:

Failing to adhere to the provincial guidelines can result in the spread of asbestos particles, which can have negative effects on the public and the environment.

Environmental Consequences of Improper Asbestos Disposal

The process of disposing of asbestos is so particular due to how volatile it is as a compound. Attempting to throw in the garbage, dumping it in a landfill or transporting it without the proper materials increases the risk of exposure to the general public or wildlife. 


Asbestos particles can pollute the air, and when these fibres are inhaled by humans or animals, they may suffer from adverse health impacts. Asbestos is associated with lung disease, asbestosis, cancer, and mesothelioma. This is why safe disposal and limiting interactions with the substance are vital. 

Impact on the Ecosystem

The environmental consequences of improper asbestos disposal extend beyond human health, as it can also impact wildlife and ecosystems as well. When asbestos fibres enter the soil, they can disrupt the delicate balance of microorganisms essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Certain vital organisms can be harmed and even die from asbestos exposure. Additionally, plants growing in contaminated soil may absorb toxic substances, which can then travel up the food chain, harming the ecosystem.

Importance of Professional Asbestos Removal and Disposal

Given the harmful effects of asbestos exposure, you should never attempt to remove or dispose of it yourself. The average person simply does not have the equipment or skills necessary to facilitate safe and effective removal. 

At Inch by Inch, we prioritize effective asbestos containment in order to prevent fibers from spreading and then follow provincial guidelines when it comes to transportation and disposal of the material. Getting in touch with a reputable asbestos removal company, such as Inch by Inch Inspections, will ensure that your asbestos is disposed of safely and responsibly without posing any risk to the general public or the ecosystem. 

Protect the Environment and Choose Inch by Inch for Asbestos Removal

Overall, asbestos removal and disposal should be taken very seriously. When conducting asbestos removal in Toronto, you must ensure that you enlist the help of an experienced removal team who can conduct effective removal without compromising the safety of the environment. If you suspect you have asbestos on your property, contact Inch by Inch Inspections today for professional removal. Contact us now to book your designated substance survey! 


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