If Renovating Consider The Following Asbestos Risks

home air quality testing torontoAsbestos may be found in a wide range of building materials, and it can be found in buildings of all ages. It is known to cause lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. If you are renovating an older house, there are a few items that you should watch out for, which could contain asbestos. If you are thinking about renovating your home or demolishing it, consider investing in asbestos testing from a Toronto-based company like Inch By Inch Inspections. 

Asbestos In Homes

Construction professionals are well-aware of the dangers that asbestos poses to the people in a building. However, few homeowners are aware of the risks associated with exposure to asbestos. Older Toronto homes are more likely to contain asbestos in their building materials, which is why it is so important to secure home air quality tests for your Toronto home. 

The most common materials that contain asbestos are floor tiles, roofing, pipes, and adhesives such as glues and joint compounds. Asbestos is also found in caulk, plaster, drywall, textured paints and joint compound sealants. So if you are planning to renovate an older house schedule a home air quality test in Toronto. It can save you and your loved ones from harmful asbestos exposure.

Risk Of Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is a naturally occurring toxic mineral that may be found in a wide range of building materials, and it can be found in buildings of all ages, but more often found in older homes before the material was banned. It is known to cause lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. That is why asbestos testing old Toronto homes before renovating or demolishing is so important. 

Common Placed That Asbestos Can Be Found:

  • Insulation: Look behind old insulation in walls, ceilings and attics. Insulation could be made of asbestos until the year 2000 if you have an older home. While home renovation experts know the dangers, they don't always know when they come across asbestos insulation.

  • Wrapping on Heating Units: Look for asbestos wrapping around hot water pipes or radiators. This was common between the 1940s and 1980s. Seal or remove the wrappings carefully to avoid disturbing the asbestos.

  • Vinyl flooring: Asbestos-containing vinyl flooring has been used since the 1960s until today, but most products today do not contain asbestos. Vinyl flooring older than 1980s may contain asbestos.

  • Drywall: Drywall can contain up to 7% asbestos. It was often used in houses built before 1990. Look for “AC” stamped on the back of the drywall. This indicates that it does contain asbestos. Removing drywall that contains asbestos is a very dangerous job. It is recommended that only well-trained professionals handle the removal process. If you are renovating an older house, have a professional check the drywall during an inspection to see if it contains asbestos before any demolition work is done on it.

What To Do If You Suspect Asbestos

Older homes are particularly at risk of containing asbestos because, until the mid-1980s, most products containing asbestos were legal and easy to buy. DIY asbestos removal is not recommended if you are renovating an older home. This is because it's very serious if the asbestos becomes damaged in any way. For instance, if you're drilling into an old wall that you suspect may contain asbestos pipes, and dust from the drilling damages the pipe, you may spread asbestos throughout your home. If you are unsure about whether or not a product contains asbestos, book an asbestos test in Toronto from Inch by Inch Inspections. Get in touch with us here and we will be happy to help you!

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