How to Get Your House Market-Ready

When you’re putting your house on the market, you want to ensure you’re attracting the best potential buyers so you can get the most value out of your property. To ensure that your house presents as an attractive and welcoming home or investment property to prospective buyers, it’s recommended that you eliminate any harmful contaminants with air quality testing in Toronto. With Inch By Inch Inspections, you can count on comprehensive and reliable air quality testing as well as mold and odour removal in Toronto. Our teams of IICRC-certified inspectors will help you increase the appeal of your house so you can feel confident that you’re putting your best foot forward. 

What Do Odours Mean to Prospective Buyers?

air quality testing and odour removalUnwelcoming odours can occur indoors for a number of reasons and indicate a problem for visitors. Many contaminants such as mold, VOCs, smoke etc will emit a strong and persistent smell that can make it difficult for those assessing the property to envision themselves living in it. By conducting air quality testing prior to open houses or showings you can identify any odour-inducing pollutants that are responsible for deteriorating indoor air quality as well as other contaminants that may cause harm. Depending on the source of the odour, the Inch By Inch Inspections team can help you eliminate them with odour removal services in Toronto as well as mold remediation. You won’t have to cover up any foul odours with freshly baked cookies, instead you will simply illuminate any foul smells.

What Causes Odours Indoors?

Odour removal in Toronto may be needed for a number of reasons. One of the most common causes of sudden but persistent pungent smells is mold. The onset of mold outbreaks cause musty, Earthy scents that are difficult to ignore. Other causes of indoor odours include animal or wildlife odours such as skunk sprays, cooking smells, volatile organic compounds and off-gassing such as paints and other household products, and smoke or cannabis. To combat harmful and unpleasant smells, Inch By Inch Inspections offers leading ozone odour removal and air quality testing. 

Address Mold Effectively

Mold is a common household problem. In fact, many property odours have some level of infestation and are unaware until an inspection is completed. Because mold is known to put-off buyers or reduce their offer on a property, it’s recommended that air quality testing and mold inspections be performed ahead of time. Using our industry expertise and advanced inspection equipment our experts will be able to provide you with a detailed assessment to identify mold and potential sources of mold outbreaks by looking for water damage and elevated levels of mold spores indoors. When mold is identified, you can remove all traces, including visible mold and pungent odours.

Get Market-Ready with Mold Removal & Inch By Inch Inspections

If you’re concerned about odours, mold, or other contaminants lingering around your property that you want to put up for sale, trust the experts at Inch By Inch Inspections. We are an IICRC and InterNACHI certified service provider that will help you get the results you want. To learn more, talk to our team directly. 

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