Being exposed to asbestos has dire long-term consequences on health. This naturally occurring mineral releases harmful microfibrils when subjected to abrasion or other kinds of damage. When inhaled, asbestos microfibrils remain in the lungs and cause microscopic cuts in the lung tissue. Over time, these cuts lead to chronic lung inflammation, tissue scarring, reduced lung capacity and severe diseases. It is advised to all Toronto homeowners with older homes to get asbestos air testing, as this material was widely used in construction before 1990. Asbestos microfibrils are too small to be seen with the naked eye, so air quality testing is the only way to know if your Toronto home is contaminated.
Although DIY testing kits are available on the market, it is always better to hire a certified professional to handle the testing process. Asbestos can hide in many seemingly innocent materials, and certified inspectors are trained to recognize all of them. But what does professional asbestos air testing include, and why is it so important to hire a qualified company in Toronto? Let’s find out.
Asbestos is a silent killer – the microfibrils are invisible, and symptoms of exposure start to manifest when it is already too late. For this reason, it is essential to know whether there are any risk-increasing factors. For example, if your home was constructed before 1990, there is a very high chance that it contains asbestos. However, keep in mind that asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are not harmful if undamaged and well-maintained. The microfibrils must be airborne in order to get into the lungs. Also, it is necessary to recognize differences between material manufacturers, as some stopped using asbestos before others. Detecting all potential ACMs requires knowledge, experience and training, and hiring a professional will ensure that everything is covered.
After the certified inspector finishes with the visual inspection and identification of potential ACMs, he will know where to take samples that most accurately represent the state of contamination. The samples are carefully collected to avoid any disturbances of the microfibrils and their spread. They are taken to a specialized laboratory for analysis. Results will come back in a few days, and after examining them, the inspector will write a detailed report and propose a solution if there is a problem.
Handling asbestos is a task that comes with serious risk, and specific regulations need to be followed for the process to be safe. Entering an area that is potentially contaminated with asbestos must include wearing adequate safety equipment and handling the materials gingerly, disturbing them as little as possible to prevent the spread of fibrils. Hiring a professional in Toronto will ensure that the whole air quality testing process is performed correctly and safely.
Reach out to Inch by Inch Inspections to get your asbestos air testing. The trusted staff of Inch by Inch offers quality home remediation services all over Toronto and the GTA. Call us today to schedule your inspection.
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